Tuesday, December 2, 2008

More news from the land of Korea

So...I left off at moving. Yes. I have. But I've found out that it's terribly boring. I have no entertainment what so ever. No TV, my PS2 won't work (no matter how many converters I try....though I have a new one and will be trying that soon), and no books (I've read everyone that I've brought....and even the one I stole from my sister). So I have to resort to walking into Haeundae to get internet. I've found out, though, how to get cable at my apartment...it's a bit of a hassle.

First...I have to get an ARC (alien registration card). In order to get that...I have to get a doctor's notice. Which means that I have to get myself to a hospital....get checked out by a doctor, pay $50...wait 5 days for the note....then go to Immigrations, do something there...pay them $55, and wait for my card to come in the mail. After that...and only after that...can I have cable. Which means I will be entertainmentless for about a month. Boo. I'm almost tempted, if my PS2 refuses to work, to buy a DVD player. Been searching around for a cheap one. So far $89 is the best that I can do.

Oh...and I'm gonna keep saying it. I hate mosquitoes. They're beasts here. Seriously. They're huge. Monstrous.....abnormal. And resilient. Those things just won't die. No matter what I do. Uhg.

So on to the kids (cause in my life....there's nothing else).

Well so far...they've been good. Of course, now I only have Bad Kids 1 and 2, and CS2. Bad Kids 2 only on Wednesdays...which saves my sanity. Oh, and of course, I have my kindergartners. Who I love. And they love me. Or so they tell me every day. And...I don't know if it's ingrained in the Korean genetics, but I must say, my Panda class loves to give me massages. It's great. All I have to do is sit down and kinda hunch over, and Sue comes running behind me and starts at it. But, because no one can be left out of this....Kerri and Jason must come in a assist. Then Jade, feeling alone, comes along and joins in the fun. I love it! I have my own personal masseuses.

But Bad Kids 1 are getting better. After a few good yellings and threats to write lines, they're pretty good. Plus...I think they've realized that they can't get rid of me. I have them for an hour and a half now. Which means, there's no new teacher to torment after me. And I'm not having any of their bad behavior.

CS2 are always good for me. Though, I did have to make Ryan and Eric write lines today for speaking in Korean. And the only reason why I did this was because we got kinda yelled at today for not punishing our kids for speaking Korean in class. We had a 'teachers meeting' during lunch (which sucked cause I had to miss lunch) and they went over what was going wrong with our classes in general. One was that we didn't punish the kids enough for speaking Korean/forgetting their books and homework. Also, we found out the parents don't think we're being strict enough for them. Esther (the manager that no one really likes) told us how we need to be stricter. It's not America. We can't be slack in yelling at the kids. We need to put a fist down. Well...not literally. Cause then I think the parents wouldn't like that.

So....I don't know where they're getting us not being strict enough from. I know that I personally kill myself yelling at Bad Kids 1 enough. Of course I did so more with 2 and 3 than with 1. But...I guess I'm gonna have to be...more Korean. That's what they want. But....on the other hand, I'll have to be more Korean without actually speaking Korean (we got yelled at about that too.....). Seems like they don't want us to use any Korean in class at all, and a few of us have been caught saying things like baliwa (hurry up), ya (I use this alot...it essentially means you...or hey...), hajima (I think it means come here), yogi (again...me), and I've used some Korean words to yell at the kids with, like shikidah (shut up)...or however you spell it.

Yea...things are starting to settle down now.

Oh, and my new apt...though nice and big with a washing machine....smells funny. I don't know what it is. I've thoroughly cleaned it on Sunday....but the odd smell is persisting. I think it's originating from my bathroom. Not sure though. I'm gonna have to clean it over again and see if that helps out at all or not.

Right....well that's all for now. I need to make the trek back up to my apt, try to force my PS2 to work so that I can be entertained tonight (I'm running out of Harry Potter CDs and batteries), and get some dinner in me.


Fare thee well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you learned Korean, you'd have plenty to do :E