Thursday, December 18, 2008

My Kids are Rich of last update, I've been doing some research.

I already knew that my kids came from somewhat wealthy families. I mean, Sue's parents are both dentists, and another one of my kids' parent is a doctor of some there's money flying around. However, it was today that I found out that Calvert School is actually a real school in the States.

Calvert School is located in MD, and according to their website have been in business for over a century. Kudos to them. However, all schools list their tuition prices on the website for prospective parents. And after looking at it...well...these kids are loaded.

For the American school, the tuition is as follows:

$9,500 for kindergarten
$17,900 for 6-10 year olds
$19,000 for 5th-8th grade

Now...I know that I went to private school, and it wasn't cheap...however..... This is ridiculous. I mean...I think it was maybe around $1,000 total, per year, for me to go to grade school (and that's just me thinking about 5th grade and up). And by the time I left HS it was roughly $10,000. But..almost $20,000 for one kid in the 5th grade? And that's the amount paid every year until the little bastard graduates? Geeze. I know, I know...this school is meant for the rich and famous or what have you.

But think about it. The kids I teach, honestly, remind me of all the other kids I've ever seen. Well, minus some of the designer clothes. But, if what I'm thinking is correct...then the Korean parents are paying just as much if not more. I say more just because Koreans like to swindle eachother out of money

Oh, and not to mention that at the American version of my school, the middle-schoolers have to buy laptops. Really? Do they honestly need one? No. Well, at least I don't think so. No kid should have 'advanced' technology. And yes, advanced technology means a laptop and cellphone. I didn't have one. Didn't need one. They can have a pager. That's what I had and it worked. Hell, I didn't even get a cell phone until senior year of HS, and that was only because my sister left the country for the first time

But as I was saying...

8 and 9 year old kids do not, and I repeat myself, do not need laptops. They have a hard enough time concentrating in class as is, no need for something else to keep their minds wandering off in space. I know how they work. I was one....still am at some points in my life. And hell...I teach them. Korean or not, kids are kids and they're all the same.

At least my kids don't have laptops. If they did, I would confiscate them....maybe keep one or two depending on how nice it is........


Sorry, I know that was random. I was reading the website for the American school, and was going over the guidelines for the uniform appearence of the students. So, after reading to see if their uniform was the same as ours or not (it's not...our's are cooler) I get to this line

Hats may not be worn indoors
Tennis shoes must have shoestrings or Velcro closures (no zippers)
No body piercing or visible tattoos
Underclothing may not be visible under school uniforms or physical education dress.
Shirts MUST be tucked in at all times
Logos of any kind are not permitted on shirts.
Rain/snow boots may not be worn in class.
All socks must be 6-inch crew socks, not tennis or golf socks
Flip-flop, clogs, or sandals are not permitted
Dyed, colored, bleached, or streaked hair is not permitted
Extreme hairstyles are not persmitted (as judged by the administration)

Take notice to posted item number 3. Okay, yes, girls have pierced ears and I'm sure that's ok, on...that's right. Visible tattoos. Now, I'm not sure what sane parent would let their precious little kid get inked...but...this makes me wonder...have they had kids with tattoos?


I'm kinda happy I'm teaching where I am, because I get to wear jeans and what have you to work everyday. I have a sneaking suspicion that at the actual school, if I were working there...I would have to actually look...'professional'.

Bah to that.

That's all. I have more posts involving my kids writing the greatest things, but I'll leave that for another time. As it is...I'm gonna go and watch more Criminal Minds online.

Bye now.

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