Friday, December 5, 2008

Flabotomists that need to be schooled...

Today I had to go to the hospital. Nothing serious. Just had to get a health statement so that I can get my ARC. What was nice about it was that Linda, a Korean working at the school, took me to the hospital and translated what the people were saying to me. I now have a hospital card for whenever I go in. Also, she gave me her spare train card. Now, all I have to do is hold it over the little card reader and board the train. No more tickets for me. And when it runs out of money, I can choose how much I want to put on it.

Super convenient.

Anyways, so we get to the hospital and what not...and I thought the thing was going to take at least 2 hours. It always does in the states. But not. It was only going to take like 10 minutes.


So we get up to the second floor, where everything is, and the nurses there ask if I'm...on that time of the month. Well..Kate warned me about this before hand. I guess the Korean's don't really know how to translate it...and all that comes out is Men...and blood. So once I heard the word 'Men' I shook my head no. So they handed me a paper cup to pee in. They even marked a line on it so I knew where to fill it to. How nice.

But after the pee test, they had to draw blood. That's cool. I don't mind giving blood every now and then. However, this woman....well I don't know what she was....cause it wasn't a flabotomist. The damn woman punctured my vein! And yes...I know she has to in order to get blood...but what I mean is that she went through!

How do I know this you ask? Well I'll tell you. I've had my blood drawn before. It was simple. And afterwards...I don't bleed. But no. Not this time. Either I've developed a blood clotting disorder...which I highly doubt, or this woman pushed straight through my vein. The second part is what I'm leaning towards.

Anyways...after I got my arm stabbed, I went in for a chest x-ray. Now...I know I'm taller than most Koreans...but the place that this man had the template raised to made me feel short. I had to lift myself up a little more to be able to place my chin on the little indent, then take a deep breath and hold it. Not to mention that my arms were at awkward angles....which made the hole that the nurse put in there only moments before....bleed worse.

After that...we had to go into another building that was still part of the hospital and get my height/weight checked, eye sight and blood pressure done. That was it. And guess only cost me $50 for all that. I know that an x-ray back home would cost $200 alone.

After converting my weight (just finished that...) I've magically gained 6 lbs since I've been here. I think their scale is wrong. For one thing...I know that I haven't gained weight. And if I have it's all been muscle. Cause I don't eat much as is. I also blame it on the fact that I was wearing all of my clothes. They add weight. So the scale lies. However, I haven't grown any. Still 5'5". Oh well. I've been officially checked out. Now all I have to do, is get my ARC and I'll be able to have cable, internet, and a phone. I still plan on shipping my phone back to the States to have my mom unlock it for me, then send it back so that I can at least have that to text with.

However, I haven't eaten since last night...and I think that I should make my way back up the mountain so that I can make me some foods while watching Dae Jang Geum...seeing that it's the only thing that I can watch until I figure out how to hack my DVD player (I bought one...) or get an account at a DVD place here.

That's All!

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