Friday, December 12, 2008

Mc Sparkly....and....My Kids Write the Greatest Things Revisited

So...I just got done watching the Twilight movie. *sigh* Not as good as the books. Of course, not many movies are. But...I was satisfied none the less. I've been dying to see the movie, seeing that I left the States just before it came out. Let me just say...Robert Pattinson (Cedric Diggary from Harry Potter) as Edward Cullen was nice. I wasn't too pleased with who they casted for the other Cullens though. Alice is totally supposed to be shorter than Bella. But the girl who played Alice wasn't. Oh well, guess they can't get everything right. that I know how the whole Korean movie thing works, I can go to the movies again. Hell it's even a bit cheaper here than back home. Tickets cost about 7000 won, which is roughly $5-6 and even their combos are much cheaper. Like $2 for a pop...where at AMC it's almost $5. So not half bad at all.

Now...on to my kids writing the greatest things.

So, every Monday and Wednesday, I have Bad Kids 1. For homework, I assign them like 7 words to write at least 3 times and then put them in a sentence. matter how hard I try always write...'I like...' and what ever the word is. Sure, this can work for some of them, but not all. Which means, he isn't even trying to figure out what the word really means. So...I've been trying to come up with more creative words to ... encourage him to write better sentences.

However...Willy...he writes the greatest things. I'm not sure if he gets help from his parents, or pulls the sentences from the dictionary....but what ever it is, it makes me laugh everytime. I'm fairly certain the kids think that I'm crazy...cause whenever I check his homework...I start laughing. I'll give you a few examples:

-Band: The band dressed up in drag. (Not sure where he got this one from..)
-Sneak: Sneak a smoke (makes me wonder...)
-Cement: Time is the cement of friendship. (I think dictionary...or he's one...philosphical kid)
-Donkey: The man belabored his poor donkey. (dictionary definately)
-Cute: A cute little bugger.
-Alphabet: The alphabet of logic.
When I read these, I knew that I had to share them. They are absolutely great. Sometimes they make teaching just a smidge better. However, then I remember I have to deal with those kids....and everything goes down hill.
In other news...
I think I've caught some sort of child-disease. I don't know what it is. I've been feeling like crap lately, going to bed really early and waking up all tired and what not...and last night...well rather this morning...I woke up with a really sore throat and stuffy nose. Of course, I first wondered how I could have gotten sick. My apt is pretty warm for the most part, and the weather's been alright here.
But then I remembered...I'm surrounded all day by coughing, sneezing, nose-picking little kids. Not to mention that June has some sort of nasty nasal infection that he periodically picks at and wipes on this sleeve, then goes and starts touching my things. And being who I am...I completely forget about it like 3 seconds later, and touch my face and eyes and what not. The portals to illness.
I'm hoping....more like praying...that it's just a late set of allergies. Cause I'm not coughing or wheezing or anything. Yet. However, I can't get sick and miss work. Cause I found out that they dock you....roughly $20 and hour that you're gone, $10 if you have a doctor's note. But here's the best part...they don't dock you for the day you missed. Oh no. They make sure that they can save the most amount of money when cutting your they dock you for the longest period you work that's on your sched. For me....that's about....7 or so hours. So..if I were to get really sick and miss work...I would be docked...$140, even if I missed a day that I work only 4 hours (today).
Bastards. getting sick for Katy.
Oh...and I just might be venturing out tomorrow night. Might go hit up the bar that everyone goes to. I figure...I'm gonna be stuck here for a year, might as well socialize. Though I did meet some girls tonight after the movie. They were from...America...somewhere. Maybe Canada....but it was nice to be able to talk about the movie with someone. Of course, I guess that neither of them have completely read the entire series. Which...I had to hold back. Cause one girl was only 100 pages into the second book, which meant neither myself or her friend could explain why we were so depressed while reading it.
But finally! Other Americans besides my co-workers.
Oh...and it's official.
Sue has claimed Jason as her, and they're a couple. of Tuesday they were. Not too sure now...but onto the Days of My Life....Korea. I told you about last week, how Sue got all territorial over Jason and wouldn't let Kerri near him at all while we were cooking. Well..on Tuesday, they were really friendly. Like...they wouldn't stop touching eachother friendly. And that's a big no-no in the school. You aren't allowed to touch your friends while there....I think they're trying to enforce that whole...keep your hands to yourself rule, but failing miserably at it.
As I was walking out to go teach Kangaroo class, Jason had his arms around Sue and gave her a huge kiss on the neck! Now...even that is like totally taboo in Korea. I've never seen PDA here, aside from holding hands or arm over a shoulder. But...those are normal things that everyone does. I guess if you're two guys who are good friends, it's perfectly acceptable to hold hands while walking down the street...
Yes, crazy I know...
But, Jason totally laid one on her. This, sadly, made me a little giddy, as the going-ons in my classes are the only form of entertainment that I can get. However, on Wednesday...I don't know what happened. Sue was super depressed for most of the day. And Kerri...well she was pleased. Kerri and Jason were being all buddy-buddy while Sue was left all by her lonesome.
Jason...though only 6, is a player in the making. He has the girls strung after him. Not to mention, he seems like he'll be the love 'em leave 'em type, as he moved onto Kerri after maybe...a total of 5 days with Sue.
Of course, Sue does have her pickings of the boys if she wants. I guess that everyone in Dolphin class (all boys taught by Juliene) are madly in love with Sue. Especially Min, June's younger brother. So, if Sue wanted to...she could just move on. Oh well, I'll have to see how this developes. Hopefully once I get cable/internet...I'll stop paying such vivid attention to the romance between 6 year-olds.
I think that's it. It's been an official month since I've been gone *sadness*. Only 11 more to go, then I come back home and try to find a job.
That's it for now.

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