Friday, December 5, 2008

Teacher Teacher It's SNOWING!

So, there's a funny rumor going around.

It doesn't snow in Pusan.


When I knew that I was coming to Pusan, the first thought I had was " doesn't snow there.." And according to all of my students and the other teachers here, it doesn't. Or make that didn't.

As I was walking to work this morning there were little white puffs floating in the air. At first I thought...''s snowing..' but then, it doesn't snow in Pusan. So..I had to be wrong. As I continued walking down the mountain there were more of those little white puffs. So...the next thought I had was that someone's pillow must have ripped open and it was the stuff from inside. little dilusions were ruined once one of those puffs hit my face...and melted. I was greatly disappointed to finally accept that it was snowing. So, I made my way into work, trying my best to ignore the snow falling and jamming out to the CD that I was listening to (which I'm fairly certain that the Koreans now think that I'm insane cause I sing to myself).

By the time I got to work, it seemed like it had stopped. Ah. No more snow and I could go back to my blissful way of thinking that no snow ever falls in Pusan. As I was talking with Mike over trivial matters, I brought up that it was snowing while I walked into work. This confused the poor man. It seems that in the year and some that he's been here, there hasn't been snow. He honestly looked like he didn't believe me.

Quickly thereafter the conversation was forgotten and I went about making photocopies of the papers that I needed to pass the time with. That is...until Mike let out an exclaimation. That little lull in the snowing that I experienced was just the prelude to the blizzard that happened after I got into the building. Looking up and out the window at the end of the hall, there was a white wall of snow blowing past. No more bliss for me.

As I was walking down the hall all I could hear was 'Teacher Teacher! It's snowing! Look! Snow! Snow!' The kids were fairly excited to see something that supposedly never happened in the city. So...once I got to class, I had to make a new weather tag....Snowing. That did not make me happy, but pleased my students. Then...I heard clamoring from the other classes. We were going out to the roof so that that kids could play in the snow. I have pictures of was actually kind of cute. The kids were running around trying to catch snowflakes in their mouth.

However, the fun only lasted so long. After about 10 minutes of this, we had to go back in to actually start lessons. That made the kids mad. They wanted to keep playing. But...we had to be the bad guys. Of course, this didn't stop my students from staring longingly out of the window. It got so bad that I actually had to close the blinds to keep them from staring at the snow and allowing them to concentrate on their work. snows in Pusan.


It'll be back to being nice and warm on Monday, so no worries. 57. I can't wait.


Yesterday was cooking day. And the only thing great about that was 1) I got to have 'pancakes' and 2) Jason looked like he was going to kiss Sue. Now, what I mean about 'pancakes' is that it was pancake batter and everything...but they were made in a waffle maker. So...they were waffle-pancakes. It didn't matter. The kids loved them. I have pics of the kids making them and what not too.

But..onto Jason and Sue. I don't know what it is about the girl, but all the boys in the kindergarten class want her. I guess that Min (June's little bro) has a huuuuge crush on Sue, and so does everyone else. Sue and Jason are both in my kindergarten class. But on Thursday...Jason couldn't keep his hands off her. Like, she went over to sit next to him to help him color his Christmas tree decoration, and he just draped his arm over her and kept leaning in and whispering things in her ear. At one point it looked like he was going to kiss her. He even started petting her hair and everything. I found this extremely cute. It seemed that Sue didn't mind this at all. Hell, even during our cooking time, she sat next to Jason, and everytime Kerri (in my class as well) would try to take her seat, Sue would push her away and say something in Korean. I'm assuming it was a territorial issue. I think that Sue has officially claimed Jason as her's.

Of course, that doesn't seem to be detering Min at all. After cooking, while we were in the gym, Min would hang around Sue, give her things and what not. It's positively cute. More love triangles between the kids I teach! Haha.

It's sad that I get entertained by this. That tells you how...uneventful my life really is. Child romance makes me happy. Of course, it does seem to be causing some problems in my class. I think Kerri likes Jason too.


Oh, and in Kangaroo class, there's a new student! She's from Michigan as well. Her English is superb and even speaks like an American. However...she can't read...but she is only 4. Though, at such a young age...I don't know why she's in a class where everyone's like 7. Oh well.

Oh, and I've lost some students and gained new ones. One of which is Sam. He's in Dolphin kindergarten class. Now he's also in my E class which used to be Elliot and June. Elliot's disappeared. Sam definately has ADD. He couldn't concentrate on anything and would periodically drift off into space. It took Eddie (the headmaster) to come and force the kid to read to get through the class.

Also, I've lost John from Bad Kids 2. I have Frodo. At least he's properly placed now. Instead of G2 he's in N1. Which seems to be more his level. Harry is still as bad as ever. I really can't stand the kid.

That's about it.

It snowed and I'm not happy about that.

So...until next time!

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