Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Someone's out to get me...

So, I know that I posted a little ago that I had gotten sick. Well...it was true. And finally I got over whatever it was. I still say allergies...but others say different. Anyways, so...all the neon-green snot gone, I've been feeling better. That is...until today.

I've started having coughing fits again..and there's a bit of a soreness at the back of my throat. Now..I don't get sick. Everyone knows this. The Mathieus never get sick. If they do, it's something serious like Bronchitis. Never a cold. So...if I am getting sick, I have a feeling I know who it is. Jade.

Yes...Jade the little annoyance in my life. She has been sick for a while now. However, she's gotten to the coughing part...bad enough that she needs her little SARS mask. No, I don't think she has SARS, however all Asians have one. You get sick and you get a SARS mask. Anyways...today, I was helping the kids make Christmast trees from paper. And Jade just starts coughing right on me. After leaning my head to avoid the germs (like that really works), I told her to cover her mouth when she coughed. At first she just gave me a blank look. Then Sue showed her how, cause she's sick and started having a fit too.

Once again...Jade starts coughing.......right at me. So I tell her to cover her mouth, and what does the little brat do? She shakes her head no and starts coughing on me again!!! However, she never seems to cough when I'm not around. I think she just holds it all in until I come around her...payback from all the times that I've yelled at her instead of pampering her and doing all her work for her.

So...now...I'm coughing. If I get sick...I'm gonna give it right back to her. Petty...yes I know. Sinking down to her level...definately. But if I can get her sick enough to miss a few precious days of class, I'll be happy. I know, I know...that's just wrong. However, class is much more peaceful without her there. It's quieter...

So, Jade is out to get me. Maybe she thinks that if I get sick enough, I'll miss work. Tough luck. I am not, let me repeat that, AM NOT missing $140/day for being sick. I'll infect everyone in that school if I have to.

In other news...

Esther, today, was trying to make us teachers force our kids to learn somesort of dance for the Christmas party tomorrow. Last week Thursday she told me that I had to learn some sort of hip-hop dance and teach it to the kids on Monday. I watched this dance. It would take me a good solid day to get the moves out. And how does she think that a bunch of 6 year-olds would be able to master the dance in only 2 days? While in between classes mind you. Yea...I gave up on that after watching the video on Monday.

So today, we had to sing carols with the kids while trying to show them some motions for the songs. I got to teach the kids how to hold imaginary candles while walking in a circle to Silent Night. Then Juliene got to think up moves for Santa Claus is Coming To Town. Her moves were good, but the kids, being only 6 and having 30 minutes to get the dance down.....didn't follow. So, while we were all sitting in the gym listening to the music and trying to figure out what the hell we needed to do, I started dancing. Just basically doing a mini can-can to the music. Esther seemed to like that...because I was put incharge of teaching EVERYONE how to do it.


So...now the kids get to do a mini can-can and Jazz hands to the song. Some liked it, others seemed like they couldn't give a rat's ass about what they were doing so long as they didn't have to go back to class.

Tomorrow..is the Christmas party. I guess all the parents are coming. Yippy. I have to put on a good face for them and not yell at the kids now...I suppose. But no guarentees.

So that's it...Jade's out to kill me with her child disease and I have to put on a good face for parents.

Oh...here's the video of the dance that I was supposed to learn to teach the kids.

Peace out and have a good Holiday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That dance woulda been way too complicated...