Monday, December 8, 2008

I am Forbidden to Speak Korean....

While listening to Harry Potter and complaining about my kids to other teachers...I came up with a brilliant idea. As some of you may know...(if you've read the 5th HP book) Umbridge makes Harry write lines in order to get a message across. And Kate said that she used to make her kids write lines whenever they were bad. So...I decided to come up with a nice little sentence for my kids to write whenever I hear Korean. It is as follows:

I am forbidden to speak Korean while attending ETS and am participating in Katy-Teacher's class.
Now, they have to write that 5 times. Which...may not seem like a lot. But it is a lengthy sentence and much more than they have to write on a daily basis. As it is, I'm fairly certain that Bad Kids 1 hate me. They're the ones that have to write it the most. Today, I even made Tony write it 10 times just cause he started to complain in Korean while he was doing it.
However, I am a little leniant. I try to warn them at least twice before I make them write it. But....that doesn't work. The poor kids. I might give them tendonitis by the time they're done with me. Of course, Esther does want us to be more strict with them. Plus, while they're writing...I get a few blissful moments of silence. It's wonderful.
Oh, and by the by...the flabotomist did puncture my vein. I have a nice bruise growing to prove it. I guess that I wasn't the only one to have this happen to. Juliene said that they did it to her. I guess Koreans can't really see giant American veins. Or something. All I know is that I'm not too happy about the new bruise. Cause there are alot more on my knees and shins. I'm not too sure where they came from. I know that I haven't smacked my legs on anything recently...or at least I don't think I have.
Oh..and little bit about snow. Well it's over. It's now nice and warm. Currently it's 52...and tomorrow it'll be 62! Oh happy days! I'm sorry to all of you still in MI where it's cold and snowy. Wish you were here...where it's warm. XD
Seriously though...don't mean to rub it in. At least on Friday and was about the same as Michigan weather. I didn't like it. I actually had to turn on my floor heater (cause Koreans don't believe in using vent heating) and leave it on for a while before I was happy.
Though, I can say that I'm not missing American food as much as I thought I was going to. I'm happily content on eating ramen, rice, and kimchi. Though...I do miss packaged veggies. Most of the stuff here is normally bought fresh...not frozen. I like the convenience of frozen veggies. I don't have to keep buying them every-other day. But oh well. It doesn't matter anyways, as I haven't bought veggies yet. I'm holding out til my paycheck (on Monday next week) before I do any shopping. Though...I may hold out even longer....cause I think I might just buy a laptop with this paycheck. Not sure though. May even see if I can get some money from family so that I can get one...this way I'll have internet and can stop spending my money on the PC Cafe.
As much as I love it's too damn expensive. Especially with how long I tend to spend here. But...I need internet....have e-mails and what not that need responding to. C'est la vie.
So that is it. Debating if I should go home or not....probably won't for a while...just because I'm running out of DVDs to watch and need to make them last. If any thing...I'll just watch them over and over again and learn Korean that way.
Peace out!

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