Friday, December 19, 2008

The first time in a long time...

I've finally gone out!

I've left my apartment and ventured further than the PC Cafe.

Last night, I went out with one of my co-workers, Juliene, and some of her friends. Our mission was to find a place to go ice skating. So, we went out to Bexco (some sort of famous building in Centum City) to see if the rink was open. Nope. Instead there was some sort of concert going on. We, of course, tried to con our way in for free...seeing as tickets were about $99 a pop.

That mission failed.

So, then we tried to figure out what to do, seeing that ice skating was out. Karaoke! What else? It's an Asian country. Everyone has to sing. So while there...I managed to bruise my hand on...the tambourine. I'm not too sure how I did it, but my left palm is all nice and purple. But it was a blast. Got to meet new people and sing horribly.

Of course, it was far too early to go home after singing, so what's the other thing that all Asians do? Drink, duh. So we went to one of the 'foreign' bars in Haeundae. It was pretty cool. I guess Friday nights they have free drinks for ladies until 1. Let me tell you, I was pretty happy with the two beers that I had before we got to the bar (we bought some before we went on our quest to go ice skating) but I couldn't pass up free drinks. So...three Vodka Tonics later...I was gone. It was the first time in 2 years that I had been drunk.

I've also found something out while drunk. My already horrible pool game gets even worse while intoxicated.

Anyways, while at the bar, I met a ton of really cool people. Can't remember all of their names...but I think one was called Harley. Well that was his 'American' name at least. Oh! And I met someone else from MI who's a newbi too. Her name's Holly, and she comes from Rochester. It was great, cause when she asked where I was from, and told her 96 and Telegraph, she knew where it was. Yay! A Michigander!

But I guess she's been sick since she got here like 3 weeks ago. Insane. I don't know how she could still be sick. Of course, it isn't as bad as another girl I met, who's been sick for 7 weeks. I think it's really just allergies, but it's different cause they're in a new environment.

Anyways, so that was my time out with real people instead of just staying in and watching the Mummy.

In other news.....

My identity has somehow been stolen already. Not sure how this happened, but it did. I went in today to go pick up my health statement from the hospital so that I can get my ARC, and it was....already picked up. According to Esther (they had to call her to tell me what was going on) someone had already come in and picked it up on the 11th. Funny...cause I didn't tell anyone to go get it for me.

And what's even more special is that the hospital's policy is not to release anything without proper photo identification. Like an ID card or passport. Hmm.... I still have both my passport and lisence... So not too sure how they released it to some Korean with my name and no ID. And of course, they can't give the name of the person who picked up my statement, cause that's confidential.


The only way I could assume someone taking my passport is if they came into work, figured out which office was mine, rummaged through my purse to get to my passport, take it to the hospital, get my statement, return back to work, and put my passport back all before I took a break. Which, I see as highly impossible. And, well I don't have any extra photo's laying around, cause I gave my last two to the hospital.

Which really makes me wonder just how in the hell they could confuse someone for me when I have all my IDs. So...I'm gonna have to have Esther or someone get to the bottom of this. I really don't like the idea of some Korean trying to impersonate me. Unless there really is a Korean out there that has freckles and doesn't look Korean at all.

So that's all. I'll update again once I have some more info for you all.

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