Friday, November 28, 2008

Movin on Up

I've realized that I don't post much about my daily life. Well...considering that work consumes most of my days, there isn't anything else to really post. However, I figure that I'll at least make one post about what I do outside of work. (This is going to be a short one).

Well for the first 2 weeks of my stay here, I've been living in Dongnae. Which is at least 40 minutes from work, on a good-the-trains-are-on-time-day. But last night, I finally moved closer to work. As it is, I am now a 20 minute down-hill walk from school. 30 minutes back up according to Kate (who I found out lives 30 seconds from me). So that's good. I'm not sure if I'm up to the walk back...all up hill. But I'll try it out.

Anyways, so...outside of work, I really don't do much. I visit PC cafes whenever I can, watch alot of TV...occassionally cook...and...that's about it. By the by...not sure I like the ritzier PC cafes (at one now), they cost double what I was paying in Dongnae.

I can say one thing though. Never drive in Korea. third post was about my trip to the first apartment. However, I've gained a new appreciation for American drivers. Yes, we may be a bit crazy (dad), but still not as bad as here. For one thing, most drivers, I've noticed, don't like to drive with their headlights on at night. Another....the people with the little moped thingies don't really follow rules of the road. By that I mean, they'll drive on the sidewalk if they so please. Which is deadly...considering that you can't really hear them.

I've also realized that there are a ton of white people here. I won't say American, just cause I'm not really sure if they hail from the States/North America. However, where I work, there are a ton of them. Oh...and I finally have a shipping address. Check out my facebook for that. If you don't log in to that here it is:

Katy Mathieu
7th Floor SeJong World Building 1479-3
JaDong Haeundae Gu
Busan City, S. Korea

Hmm....I think that's all. I'll make another Bad Kids 1-3 post later. Need to run and meet my aunt and uncle with gifts of food and what not.


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