Friday, November 21, 2008

The Scourge of the School

As I's my update.

I last left off at Bad Kids 2. Well luckily, I didn't have them again this week. Which saved my sanity. As it is, the last few days have been killer. I start off on Thursday.

Not much happened there, aside from the Mini-Olympics that was held for the kindergartners. Essentially, it's gym day. But, because of the construction going on (I guess Eddie sold the other half of the school and it's now being re-modeled), there's no gym. So...for the first bit of the day we watched Mr. Bean's Holiday....which the kids seemed to love. Honestly, I think Bean transcends all cultures. Then, after snack, we took them out to a little playground near the school where they spent the rest of the time until lunch.

I can't tell you what happened after lunch, seeing that I sat in my office and read until the afternoon classes started. Now, those weren't too bad. For the most part, my kids listened to me and did what they were told. However, on Tuesdays and Thursdays I sit in on Patrick's (he's from Texas I found out) advanced English class. Now...these girls are horrible. For those of you who know my cousin Bethany, imagine her at their whiniest. Then multiply it by.....100. That's these girls. For those of you who don't know my little cousin, think of the most annoying, whiny person you know and do the same. Yes, a grimace is fully acceptable here.

However, I guess that Patrick's been playing me up. Telling these girls how mean I was to my other classes, and what not. Trying to put the fear in them I suppose. And it worked. On Thursday, these girls were bbbbaaaaaaadddddd. I mean, I know I have some problems with Bad Kids 1 and 2, These girls could probably teach them some thing. The first 10 minutes of class was them whining about how they didn't like science and wanted to do spelling, even though they have a science test on Tuesday.

So, not having any of it, Patrick warned them that if they didn't stop complaining and start doing their work, he would have me step in. All during this, I was giving them my best pissed-off/you don't want to mess with me look (per request of Patrick). His threat held for all of two seconds. Five seconds later, I stepped in. One good yelling was all that it took to shut these girls up and get them to read. It was great. In all honesty, I don't think I've ever heard this class be so.....silent.

Now, hopefully, they'll be good for the poor Texan, or else they might just get me when he leaves (even though that won't happen cause they're merging the class with another in December....but they don't know that :D).

Now on to yesterday. I missed my first two classes due to the fact that the metro takes frickin forever, and I lost track of time. However, once that was over and what not, I got back into the swing of things. Yes, I had Bad Kids 1. And, they were at their worst. Sure, occassionally they would pay attention to what I was asking them, but Tony, Perry and Stevey kept on going at it. To the point where I had to start doling out checks. However, they weren't as bad as the next class. Who, on a normal basis is pretty good.

June (normally a sweet boy) thought it would be great to sit next to his crush, Silvia. Silvia, is a super sweet girl and one of the brightest in the class. This, though, caused a huge uproar. All of the other kids (who happen to be all boys) in the class started making hooting sounds and teasing both June and Silvia. It honestly got so bad that Angela (another teacher, who I will be taking over for when she leaves on Weds) came in and yelled at them. It didn't work. After she left, they started up again.

They only quieted down once I started writing their names on the board and threatening to put checks down. June got two. Just because he wouldn't shut up no matter how many times I told him to. On a side note, I found out that Silvia doesn't like June. In fact, she likes Tim. Which is hilarious to me, cause there's a love triangle going on in my class, which will make Valentine's day interesting.

So after that class, I had a few more mundane classes where I'm certain that the kids either hate me or think that I'm a moron. I'm leaning more towards the moron side. But then, I got to my last class of the day. G2. Which means that they're pretty advanced. And....can spell a whole hell of alot better than I can. I was going over the topic of summaries with the group and couldn't spell interest. I blame it on not eating all day. I kept spelling it as intrest. So...I had to be corrected by my studends. Maybe I should have listened to my dad and bought a dictionary. At least then I would be able to spell things.

Anyways, the topic of summaries went well with the exception of Frodo. Yes, that is his 'English' name. Some cruel teacher who probably thought it was hilarious back in the day, gave him that name and it kept. So, Frodo, who either hates me because I took over for Mike or just doesn't give a rat's ass about learning English, didn't want to do them. And...when reading, I wasn't sure if I had gone deaf or not. I swear, if it wasn't for the other kids in the class reading along, I would have assumed that I had. His lips were moving, but there was no sound. I had to lean in and get right next to his head in order to hear him reading the sentences that I gave him. It got to the point that I just took over reading for him. We would have been there all night if I hadn't.

So now, as it is, I have a class who hates/fears me that isn't mine, another class that thinks I'm a moron and all my other classes (except kindergarten, they love me) who hate me. I can't wait til I get some new blood. XD

That's all for now.

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