Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What was one is now two.....

So. Here it is. I've been officially teaching for 3 days now. As it is, I still love my kindergarden class. The Kangaroos are the best ever. I never actually have to teach, cause they all do it. Esther seems to really want to be the star in the class cause she answers all the questions even before I ask them. I love smart kids.

However, I was dreading the afternoon classes. Because today I had Bad Kids class (plus a whole bunch of new classes where I didn't know any of the names). Anyways, Bad Kids class was first. Tofay, though, it wasn't so bad. All the boys, seeing that Kelly was missing, actually listened to me and didn't act up.......

Though, thanks to Perry, my ass was saved from Stevey trying to Kancho me. (if you don't know what Kancho is....just imagine a little Asian kid taking their two index fingers and ramming them up your ass. Not a pleasant feeling.) And here, I thought I was safe.

The other afternoon classes weren't so bad. That is, until I got to my last one. This class, I shall dub...Bad Kids No. 2. Only three boys in this class, and two of them made me seriously want to do bodily harm. I guess it was because I was a new teacher that they thought that they could get away with things....but I quickly made them re-consider that. First off, they're worse than Bad Kids class. Harry and John make Perry, Stevey and Tony look like little angels. The two brats wouldn't shut up while I was teaching, even after I yelled at them and smacked both of them on the head with my flash poster. John kept reading his comic book while Harry kept talking and laughing so loud, I was fairly certain that his voice would be gone by tomorrow. And Max, the other kid in my class, was trying to read and do his work. I love him. He's so sweet.

Anyways, so after about an hour (the class is an hour and a half), and two checks later (3 checks means a talk with parents), I sent them out into the hall to make them stand against the wall with their arms held above their heads. If I had some, I would have made them hold buckets full of water. But, alas, I didn't.

It was great for the next 20 minutes. Max and I were able to get some learning done, and Eddie, the owner/principle of the school, came by and reemed the two boys out.

So now, they should know that I'm not some push-over that they can destroy. Buwahahaha! I have a Korean mother. I know how to deal with bad little kids. *insert evil grin here*

Oh, I've also found out a few things that I hate about Pusan. One is the mosquitos. I don't know if I've posted this or not....but the damn bloodsuckers are still out. After getting here, I think that I've been fed upon at least 10 times. And those are the ones that I can see/scratch. Another is that there doesn't happen to be a subway station near me. In order to get to work now, I need to take a taxi to get to the subway station, then take 3 different trains to get to work. All in all it takes about 40 or so minutes.

That's all the updates that I have.

1 comment:

Sage Winard said...

I love you so much. This post made my day. Captial Punishment for the win.

When do you plan to move closer to the school? I remember you mentioning it in a post earlier. :3