Saturday, November 8, 2008

Leaving on a Jet Plane.....

So as it is, I actually haven't left. There was a bit of a mix-up in communication between myself and the people I was going through in Korea. This screw-up cost me some time and alot of frustration. What had happened was that I thought that they would be scheduling an interview for me at the Korean Consulate, and they thought that I would be doing so. So....after alot of e-mails, I finally figured it out and had to schedule a last minute appointment.

Of course, this appointment was set for the day after I was supposed to leave. @.@ Talk about strain there. Thus ensued another bout of frantic e-mails to reschedule my flight. So now, I'll be leaving in 2 days.....and still haven't packed.

Now...the consulate part was a hassle as well. For one, I had only gotten about 2 hours of sleep before I had to wake up and drive 4 hours to get to Chicago in order to make it before my appointment. (here's where I forgot about Illinois being a whole hour behind MI). Once there, I decided that I didn't like the city for 2 reasons. 1) I spent about $15 on toll roads and 2) They drive worse than Michiganders.


After getting there an hour early, I managed to be completely frightened by a Subway. It wasn't that the store itself scared me, but rather the extremely loud alarm that had gone off once I entered the door. At first I thought that I had just broken into the place and the cops would be showing up to arrest me and completely screw over my plans. But luckily there was someone else in there that informed me the noise was to alert the workers that there was someone there. Personally I think that they should be out infront instead of doing whatever they were in the back.

Back to things....

The consulate was interesting. Found out it was in the same building that films Jerry Springer. It was almost tempting enough to crash a taping, but, alas, I didn't have the time. Now, I don't know why they called it an interview. In all honesty they asked me questions about if I wanted to make teaching in Korea my career and made sure that I could actually speak English (I partially thought that it was a screening to make sure that they weren't hiring any looneys to teach their kids whacked out ideas). During the interview, I found out a small snag in my plans. I wouldn't be getting my passport until Wednesday.....a day after I leave.

So what do I have to do? Tomorrow, I have to haul my ass right back down to Chicago to pick up my passport. Luckily, I won't have to drive. I'll have someone else to do it :D

Now...I'm begging to think of everything that I need to pack, making a list (probably will check it more than twice), getting things in order and dreading my 14 hour flight to Korea.

So there it is. In two days I'll be leaving everyone I know and love behind to pursue a career, however short it may be, in teaching. Hey...maybe I'll like it enough to keep doing it after. Never know.

For now....I'm still here, and who ever is reading this, will be the first to know what happens when I finally get settled in and start my new life.

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