Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mini-Update Before Crashing...

So...not too sure where I left off at. I know it's been a while. I think the topic of my last post had been that Yellow Dust was killing me. Well it did...and then I came back. Honestly...it wasn't soo bad...I just had to suffer through some of the worst allergies ever. I think I went through at least 10 packs of allergy medication. But...now all that's gone and I'm fine.

Well..better...considering that after I had a massive allergy attack...I got gastritis. Yeah. I don't deal with stress all that well. And it came on all of a sudden...unlike the last time. I felt fine in the morning when I woke up...had a bit of a twinge when walking to work...then...by lunch (so..about 2.5 hours later) I had to go to the hospital, the pain was so bad.

And get this...all the time while I was there...my manager had the audacity to continuously call me and tell me how I couldn't do this to the school..and it was my responsibility to be at work...and blah blah blah blah blah. Honestly. I now can understand why Kate left. Because...while I was at the hospital....I started to feel better. Sure..my stomach still hurt...but it wasn't as bad as it was at work. But...by 4:30...I got so annoyed with my manager calling me that I had to get up and tell the nurses to take the IV out. They seemed confused at that. They asked me why...and I told them, I had to go back to work.

Once I got back in to work, the stomach pain tripled and I spent the last hour that I had to teach doubled over in pain...trying not to scream as my students finished their tests. Now...not that I hate Esther....I don't. But sometimes...I really want to kill her.

Oh..and found out that I AM supposed to have sick-days. By law. Didn't know that. But..funny thing is, it's not in my contract. So...just to get back at her, I called in on Monday (got gastritis on Friday) and began bawling on the phone...telling her how sick I felt and that I didn't know what happened and basically played the weak/pathetic little girl....and took the day off. Once I was done with the call, I wiped the tears away and went back to sleep. I needed it. It was a mental health day. I was fairly certain that if I had gone in that day...I would have killed her.

On to more recent news.

I have a life outside of school...FINALLY!

As we all know, I've been salsa dancing for a while. And, well...by myself I suck, but once I get a decent partner...I'm damn good on the floor.

I also have been going out with the girls and doing all sorts of fun things. Like going to Seoul for a Rockabilly concert...(if you don't know what that is...looking up Brian Setzer Ochestra)....all in Korean. Haha...they call it Kimchi-billy. There are photos on Facebook if you have an account. If not...I'll have to try and see if I can link it to my blog somehow.

Hmm...what else.

Oh.....on the sad side of things. A rather good friend, Kester (one of the owners of Starface) got into a horrific motorcycle accident. His left foot was broken, but right one completely mangled. They had to sew his big toe back on, and do at least 3 re-constructive surgeries. We've been having fund-raisers for him...seeing that his medical insurance won't cover any of this. We raised about 3.4 million won...which is about $3,000 so far. And the worst of it is that his fiancee won't be able to come here without some major paper work...seeing that she's from Iran. So...we're trying to raise money to get her here as well.


Oh. I got drunk yet once again. I've decided that Buddha's B-day is an evil holiday. I don't know what it was....but there's something about that day that made me want to drink and drink I did. I really don't know what happened...well OK I do. Lucky (the bartender at Neo)'s goal lately has been to get me drunk. The whole reason for this is because I NEVER drink when I'm there. So...this past Saturday...he progressively made my drinks stronger and stronger...so that by the 5th vodka tonic..well I don't remember much. Except that I called my friend Shannon...after Dan had calmed me down over the phone and made me promise to call her then call him...I think...and she found me sprawled out on the floor of one of the bathroom stalls. I was concious...but I couldn't get home.

Anyways...So I got completely shit-faced....and have moments of not remembering...but all in all I've sworn off drinking hard liquor for a while.

On the school side of things....

I've been loosing students left and right. I started off with nine...then went down to seven after Nicole/Crystal and Martin left. Then...just this past Friday I found that my favorite student, Ruby, has quit. So...now I have 5 boys and 1 girl. But, they are well-behaved boys and girl. Hopefully no more will quit. Oh...we have 2 new teachers. Danni is a sweet girl. She's Mike's younger sister and seems to be quite the teacher. She's been here for about a month or two. Can't remember if I mentioned her or not. And then....on Monday...we got a new one. Zack (or Jack to the Koreans). He's a Kansas boy. Super frickin tall. And...I guess he was detained in Tokyo cause they had to check him for Swine Flu. Silly people with their animal diseases. Yes...I am talking to you all.

We don't have that here...well not yet at least. There have only been 2 reported cases of it in Korea as far as I know...and no fatalities. So :P

But....I believe that is it. Not alot else hase been going on...or at least nothing that I can remember. I'll have to try to update my blog a bit more often so that I don't get e-mails wondering if I'm alive or not.

Lots o Love.