Saturday, January 31, 2009


So...I'm connected. Got me a laptop, internet and cable. Which means...more updated blogs! Except not right now. Cause I'm tired. So...I shall post soon and tell you all about what happened between X-mas and now.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Fire in the Disco!

So..I know that I said that I wouldn't post until I get my own comp...but this has to be posted. I know..I know...I still need to post about my X-mas/New Year's adventures...but you all can wait for those.

On to the story...

So, Sunday night is Pub Quiz at the bar that I go to down the street from my apt. Like every Sunday...we started just a wee bit late. But no matter, cause it was still good convo up until then. If you're wondering just what the hell a pub quiz is...well it's 5 rounds of random questions plus a photo round. At the end, the winning team gets a bottle of Tequila to share with everyone.


So the quiz starts. And...Red (only called that cause he has ginger hair) is our MC for the night...which wasn't so great. Cause all of his questions had something to do with science (not a popular topic). So, we carry on as usual, but this time around there were prizes for answering random questions. Cool.

Towards the end of the quiz (picture round) Red was trying to explain that we would get bonus points for spelling Arnold Schwarzenegger's name right. It was then that I realized there was an awful lot of smoke in the room. The first thought that flitted through my mind was that we were smoking far too much. But...there were maybe 5 people random intervals. Not enough to create that much smoke. The second thought was that someone pulled out a smoke machine for all the prizes that we were giving away. But...that didn't make sense. It was then that I looked at the kitchen door.


(I'll tell you this only took about 30 seconds from the time I realized the building was on fire to getting out...but it definately felt much longer)

At first...all I could see through the door was a nice bright orange color. Fuck. Then, one of the bartenders had the brilliant idea to actually open the door. Obviously no one in Korea knows that introducing oxygen to fire only makes it worse. Once the door was opened, the flames roared to life and began to spread across the ceiling (wood). Of course, the first action that they took was trying to fan the flames out with the coats....which made it worse, as I'm assuming this was an oil fire. It was then that all the Koreans in the bar began screaming and running to the door. Which, incedentally, was right next to the kitchen fire.

Immediately, I grabbed my coat and purse and made way for the door. I know, I know....technically I was supposed to just leave, but it was cold outside and my purse had ALL my info in it. Like passport, license, bank info, health card...etc. I was not about to loose those. By the time I made it to the door, I had to crouch down low to avoid the flames. At this point things began to fall from the ceiling. The only thought that I had while trying to get out, was 'Don't let anything explode'.

As you can figure, I made it out safely. And no, the first thought that went through my head when I got out wasn't 'I'm alive...' but rather...'Damnit I left my smokes in there'. So, I made my way to the 7-11 next door and bought a new pack. Of course, the ajeshi wasn't in there....he came in a few seconds after I yelled for him. As I bought my new fresh pack, I realized my hands were shaking horribly. Adrenaline. That rush of adrenaline stayed off the cold of the night. I couldn't feel least not until I had calmed down a bit.

Walking back out, I noted that everyone got out of the bar safely. However, they were still screaming and honking their bike horns. There were still people in the upper levels. Joining in the frenzied screaming...I noticed the elevator moving up and down. The IDIOTS! They were talking the elevator out of a burning building. I couldn't believe it! However...I think everyone from there got out as well. However, in the process of trying to scream at people to get out of the building...I was standing across from the transistor when it blew, nearly giving me a heart attack...I quickly made my way down the street.

The fire department showed up in three minutes. Which was impressive. Quickly they put out the fire and made thie way inside to check for survivors/if anyone else was in there. Of course, by this time, all the residences of Dalmaji (the street I live on) were out and watching. Not to mention and a building on fire did not deter the delivery boys. They just zipped right through the throngs of people/firemen. Of course, while meandering amongst the 'survivors' I noticed that a friend of mine was without a jacket...but had his beer. At least I know where his priorities lie.

Of course, after all was said and done...we went to another bar to drink. This was suggested by one of the three owners of Starface. I feel horrible for him. 2 of the owners were there that night...and one back in England on vacation visiting family. I wouldn't want to be the person who called him.

So, now I can say that I escaped a burning building.

Though, someone posted pictures of the aftermath of the Some of the bar looks like it just got a bit of smoke damage...where as other parts seem to have been blasted with a blow torch. Pictures melted right off the wall, the dart machine warped and melted, pints of beer either busted or completely blacked out (they look kinda cool...actually), the kitchen/front entrance completely burned and in ruins, chairs singed or destroyed...

However...the books survived. Which I find kinda funny. And...alot of the bottled alcohol...namely the beer. Upon looking at these pics looks like my fresh pack of smokes that I had in the bar with me survived as well. That...cracks me up.

Now, I wonder what is in store for the owners. I know that they have insurance, but will they rebuild. I hope so. I loved that place. Hell, if they need it..I'll help out. It also brings to mind...where were the fire alarms/smoke detectors? I heard neither now that I recall that night. Korea seems to have a rather lax policy when it comes to fire safety. Considering that earlier in the week a Norebong (karaoke place) in Busan caught fire and killed 8 people. I also noticed, once back at my apt, that there are no smoke detectors or fire alarms in the building. Hmm....

But...that's it. The exciting story of the Great Starface Fire. I needed to tell you all. I am alive and well. No worries. won't put me off from going to the bars. I'll just have to remember to grab my smokes next time around. Knock on wood.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009


IE can die. crashed while I was typing up my latest post on the holidays. seems not to like me. everyone has to wait until I get my own computer with FireFox before I post anything significant.

That's all.

Blame IE.